Anosognosia: People Who Don’t Know They Have Dementia
Posted by Scott Cantin in Dementia | 0 comments

Memory loss may come from Alzheimer’s disease or dementia. It is one of the most difficult types of disease for those who have it and those whose loved ones do. Anosognosia springs from dementia disorder which is characterized by unawareness of memory loss. It is probably a unique form of disorder yet it does exist to some patients and it can be one of the toughest cases to handle.
How to Deal with Senior Repetition
Posted by Scott Cantin in Dementia, Senior Health | 0 comments

Part of taking care of a senior is dealing with illnesses that old age brings and one of these is dementia. Dementia is a mental illness that is often characterized by deteriorating memory, irritability, and mood swings just to name some. Though dementia is the least harmful, it is the most challenging sicknesses to deal with and often summons a lot of patience and understanding from the caregiver.
Tips for Managing Anxiety in Dementia
Posted by Scott Cantin in Dementia, Senior Health | 0 comments

One of the toughest things to deal with as a caregiver in a nursing home is to give the proper care for the elderly suffering dementia. This cognitive disorder is something not to take lightly as it can make things complicated especially if one is not sensitive to the special needs of these elderly patients.