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5 Tips for Alzheimer’s Caregivers

Posted by Scott Cantin in Alzheimer's Disease, caregiving, caregiving tips | 0 comments

Hundreds of people are now becoming an Alzheimer’s caregiver, especially to their loved ones. This is a big responsibility and a tough commitment to any particular person. It is unfortunate that many individuals who are acting as a caregiver to patients with Alzheimer’s have no formal caregiver training, which leaves them to just sit and watch their loved ones as they go through this progressive disease. It is always a challenging journey for every Alzheimer’s caregiver. In this regard, here are 5 tips to remember as you take on these new and challenging responsibilities as an .

alzheimer's caregiver

1) Never Lie to Yourself. This is one thing you should remind yourself when acting as an Alzheimer’s caregiver. Be honest with yourself. Though it is easy being in denial when your loved one starts showing serious signs of dementia, it doesn’t help anyone when you ignore or refuse to accept these signs. So be honest and agree to take the reality in front of you.

2) Never Argue. Using logic in proving a point to someone with dementia doesn’t make you a winner in an argument. Don’t argue when you disagree, it will only make them upset. Take a deep breath and relax. Remember, it is the disease that is taking action so try not to contradict with them. When this happens, try to reconnect with them and move on from the argument.

3) Never ask them why they can’t remember. Well, this is an obvious point, but it is still very important. Unfortunately, a lot of Alzheimer’s caregivers keep forgetting this fact. It can be painful when a loved one you care for everyday doesn’t remember you, but you must remain calm. Don’t question them why and just accept that this is just one of the side effects of their condition.

4) Never stop visiting them. Many people will stop visiting when their loved ones who no longer remember any of their family members. Don’t. Just because they do not recognize you or their family members, it does not mean they don’t enjoy having company. Keep visiting them and encourage others to do the same no matter how difficult it is.

5) Never forget to take care of yourself. Caring for someone with Alzheimer’s disease or dementia can be overwhelming not just physically and mentally, but also emotionally. Even though patients with Alzheimer’s stay in a facility which gives you a few times to visit and care for them a week, people still deal with stress, depression, and guilt if they aren’t close to their loved ones. It is important when acting as an Alzheimer’s caregiver to take care for yourself. Don’t allow stress and pressure to overpower you. You still need to give yourself a break. Do things for yourself that you enjoy. Have a vacation. The better you care for yourself, the better caregiver you will become for your loved one.


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