In Home Senior Care in Miami

Simple Steps to Prevent Elderly Falls in Miami-Dade

Posted by Scott Cantin in elderly care, Senior Care | 0 comments

Elderly falls are a massive threat to the safety, health, and independence of senior adults. Despite this huge risk, older adults above 65 are more susceptible to falls than any other age group. Medication, weak muscles, and poor balance and posture are the primary causes of falls in seniors. Sometimes, hazards like loose rugs, clutter, and poor lighting lead to falls. If you’re worried about your senior adult falling and getting injured or worsening an existing condition, you can trust our caregivers at Advancare to give your loved one the support and care they need to walk safely around the house.

Conditions That Make You More Likely to Fall

Researchers have found that several conditions contribute to falling. We call them risk factors. You can adjust most of these factors to prevent falls. The more risk factors, the more frequent the falls. For instance, a senior is likely to fall if the lights are dim and they trip on a rug. Some of the physical contributing conditions include:

  • Lower body weakness
  • Foot pain or uncomfortable footwear
  • Vitamin D deficiency
  • Vision problems
  • Difficulties in posture and balance cause pain when walking.

What Can Happen After a Fall?

Most falls don’t cause injuries. However, according to the CDC, one out of five falls causes serious injuries such as head injury or broken bone. These injuries can make it difficult for seniors to get around and engage in other daily activities. Serious falls lead to broken bones, hip fractures, and arm, wrist, and ankle injuries.

In severe cases, a senior may suffer significant injuries, such as head injuries, especially if they are taking medicine. An older person who falls and hits their head should see a doctor immediately to rule out a brain injury. Most seniors who fall don’t report this to their doctor. They also become afraid of falling. As a result, they may avoid engaging in their everyday activities, which causes them to become even weaker, increasing their chances of falling down.

Things You Can Do to Prevent Falls

Fortunately, falls are preventable. There are several things you can do to protect your loved one from falling down. These include:

  • Talking to your doctor: Take your loved one to see a doctor to assess their risk of falling. In this meeting, ask about specific things your senior can do to avoid falling down. The doctor will also assess their medication to ensure none contributes to falls.
  • See an optician: Regular eye checkups can determine if a person needs glasses to see better or not.
  • Wear non-slip shoes: As you grow older, the ground feels smoother every day, and it’s easy to trip and fall if you lack proper balance. Always wear comfortable non-slip sandals or shoes when working around your home to prevent slips.
  • Remove home hazards: Get rid of all items you feel can cause falls, such as small rugs and boxes in the middle of the stairs. Areas that are considered blind spots should be left empty, especially on the floors.
  • Use assistive devices: Assistive devices such as handles and rails help prevent falls by providing support in the bathroom and other areas like stairs.

Need Help Preventing Elderly Falls in Miami-Dade?

While there are so many ways you can help prevent falls around seniors, the best thing you can give them is someone to help them during their senior years. Our compassionate, caring, respectful and professional caregivers can help provide the care your senior needs to live a comfortable, happy and healthy life. Contact us today for more information.

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