New Advancements in Alzheimer’s Treatment
Posted by Scott Cantin in Alzheimer's Disease, caregiving, caregiving tips, Dementia, elderly care, health innovations, home care, injury recovery, mental health, Senior Health | 0 comments

There are many new advancements in the medical field every single day. Many of these advancements are extremely surprising to a lot of people. It can be quite exciting when someone finds a possible treatment that is not only effective, but also easy to obtain and relatively cheap. That is exactly what happened to Dr. Mary Newport and her husband, who is suffering from Alzheimer’s disease.
Dr. Newport has a theory that ketones, which are produced when the body digests something called medium-chain triglycerides, can act as an alternative fuel source for brain cells. Normally, brain cells use glucose as their fuel, but when the body starts having insulin issues it stops producing the proper amounts of glucose and the cells die. She decided to test her theory on her husband who developed severe Alzheimer’s in his 50s.
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Dr. Newport started giving her husband two tablespoons of coconut oil, a medium-chain triglyceride, every single day. She gave him two tablespoons to ensure that the ketones would not stop being produced in his brain. In just two months, he made tons of progress and can now do many of the things he was unable to do. Both his mental health and his physical well-being improved drastically.
Many more of these unlikely stories are popping up every day. Dr. Newport’s theory still needs some more verification, but the results look extremely promising. It is people like her that help to progress science by discovering very unlikely treatments to some of the worst diseases in the world.
Check out their entire story in the video below:
To find out more about this story and other possible treatments like this one, check out David Wolfe’s website.
Tags: Alzheimer’s caregiver, alzheimers, caregivers, caregivers for seniors, Caregivers Miami, dementia, fitness, homecare, In home Care, in home care for seniors, in home senior care, senior health